"We need to move, I look like a piece of furniture, Agustina ... I want to get excited about something again ... Let's do it for God"
The play: This is a special morning in the life of the Bonnet family. Nina Bonnet, former glory of the ballet of the Grand Theater of This World, awaits the arrival of her sister Almudena who, after five years of absence, returns from Europe with the intention of restarting her career as a dancer and choreographer; and to give a new impulse to the theater that the two sisters inherited from their father. Her irascible and distrustful husband Cironni does everything possible to hide that he is about to lose the theater because of debts and mortgages. Agustina, Almudena's daughter, who has been in the care of her uncles during her mother's absence, has Mirko, the theater photographer with whom she maintains an ambiguous and clandestine relationship, locked in her room. The union of all these elements will lead the characters to face the old debts of the past that will leave them exposed and vulnerable, in an arid place from which to start over.
- Cast:
- Director: Ella Margarita Becerra.
- Acting: María Adelaida Palacio - Mauricio Sarmiento - Kornel Doman - Cony Camelo - Paula Edwards - Kristal - Anton Tarazov.
- Direction assistance: Martha Leal.
- Dramaturgy: Santiago Merchant.
- Photography: Felipe Flóres.
- Original Song: Francisco Gómez.
- Art: Manuela Pizarro and Guadalupe Errázuri.